It estimated economic growth would be at least one percentage point lower in the us, Europe and Japan even without contagion in the form of lower equity bond and house prices. 该组织估计,即便没有股票、债券和住房价格下滑的影响,美国、欧洲和日本的经济增长也将下降至少1个百分点。
Many analysts believe the bond market is rebelling against the outlook for US public debt and worry that the rise in yields could torpedo the recovery by pushing up mortgage rates before house prices have begun to stabilise. 许多分析师认为,债券市场正对美国国债的前景造成不利影响。他们担心,国债收益率的上扬可能会在房价开始企稳前推高抵押贷款利率,从而阻碍经济复苏。
David Ader, head of government bond strategy at CRT, said his research and trading house was leaning towards a bearish view of the Treasuries market with a test of the 4 per cent yield level for the 10-year note. CRT国债策略主管大卫阿德(DavidAder)说,他所在的研究和交易公司倾向于看空美国国债市场,认为10年期国债收益率将试探4%水平。
The clock was ticking for bond insurers to find capital to avoid credit downgrades, Mr Spitzer told the US House Financial Services Sub-Committee on capital markets in Washington. 斯皮策在华盛顿对众议院金融服务委员会(housefinancialservices)下属的资本市场委员会表示,债券保险公司时间紧迫,必须找到新资金,避免信用评级被下调。
While other Wall Street banks have made big moves into proprietary trading and private equity and dramatically increased their presence outside the US, bear has largely remained tied to its roots as a domestic bond house and prime broker to hedge funds. 其他华尔街银行已大刀阔斧,进入了自营交易和私人股本领域,并大幅扩展了美国以外的业务,贝尔斯登却仍然坚守传统,从事国内债券机构和对冲基金的机构经纪商。
H-house On Form of Bond of Developing Individual House Mortgage Loan 赏心悦目&H型别墅发展个人住房抵押贷款证券化浅析